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This Must Be the Place

We need a brave new world. One moving away from the past   into the light of the future.   We need a new way of seeing people, places, things...   We need to build without violating   spaces that have been preserved for us all...   We need bravery in this world   so that we do not fall into the tricks   and the traps of the past...   We need love!   More than anything else in this world... We need... Love!   More than money.   More than wealth.   More than power.   We... need... Love! We need a brave new world! We need people who are unafraid to love, to be loved, to give love... We need a brave new world! We need a world that we have never seen before We need a world  full of kindness and caring. We need to find the most vulnerable members of our society and elevate them. We need to tell them they are not alone. We need to show them  every single one of us is valuable and of worth We need to inform them  we...
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Days the Sun Ghosts US

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Overwhelmed & Unsustainable

Aristotle's Flummux

As the first light of dawn crept through the mist and dew in the quaint borough of Musselwell Hill, an ageing philosopher, of sombre countenance and profound passions, contemplated what seemed a lamentable state of affairs. Residing in one of the few original historical homes left in the beautiful leafy suburb, the venerable Aristotle Jones devoted his existence to considering matters beyond the comprehension of the masses. His hair was long and white, cascading well past his shoulders, with a strong resemblance to a scholar from former times. As he stood by the window of his study, sifting through one of his more obscure postmodernist texts, Aristotle was seized with a sudden clarity on a subject that had preoccupied him for some time now— the ever-increasing cruelty of romance in this confounding 23rd century. Having navigated the tumultuous vicissitudes of the 23rd century, witnessing the curious meanderings and feverish advances of technology, he had found himself not only a critic...

Play Your ElectroMuse Clip

Lingering Over the strings The tree streams Butterfly wing beats Glitched out pnmemonics  Flood hydraulic streets "Hey, man! You should post a tutorial On how to be a human." Or something justfiably arcane Ah,... The vibes On the opening of 'Three Little Words' Do you remember? The experiment  Where we installed  non-standardized Object  into a standardized slot? The monkies lost their minds The lab rats we're in disarray The code bugs couldn't find a pattern  complete and utter chaos!   And still the protesters protested The bureaucrats hid beneath  mountainous Avalanches of bureaucracy Lawmakers over-played their hand All the oil barons went bankrupt The Magi approach With a perfectly constructed bassline Before Finally  Exit-ing From an alternative                  port of departure

Eating Salad Through a Mask (Virtue Signaling)

 Piano sonata floats through American French CafĂ© As seen from above Floating after the swirling downward spiral Railroaded Insurance Business talks Draining into damaged hopscotchery  Collision with the crescendo of major chords Level 2 and 3 positions are available for early consideration Mother and Daughter teams queing for the Titanium Overload Endurance 500K should begin by building six-pack adjacent learning facilities housing on-site counseling education forums and all-natural organic pharmaceuticals mumbling and faking until you cake it No one OWNS you   unless you'd rather be grandfathered in