We need a brave new world. One moving away from the past into the light of the future. We need a new way of seeing people, places, things... We need to build without violating spaces that have been preserved for us all... We need bravery in this world so that we do not fall into the tricks and the traps of the past... We need love! More than anything else in this world... We need... Love! More than money. More than wealth. More than power. We... need... Love! We need a brave new world! We need people who are unafraid to love, to be loved, to give love... We need a brave new world! We need a world that we have never seen before We need a world full of kindness and caring. We need to find the most vulnerable members of our society and elevate them. We need to tell them they are not alone. We need to show them every single one of us is valuable and of worth We need to inform them we...
park(ed) @ a park (ing) space out_side a new-ly (ish) craft & ed community peo(n)ple(d) UnKnown without histor(i) Calities & City(less)-ies (not yet) hid-den be_neath a steel (re:gray) sky a-mid au-tumn's finery this {is a} dream mill _ions of mi_les away a_tro cities & exhib!tions tick, tick, tick the ch!ld's plas -tic ...