Being that Bejing never cared to send a crate of beans
A ukelele skeleton sat zebra crossing
Late night at the dur dire Von wire tire site
That was enough for any body with anti-microbialanti-body skills to kill
The official office status of squish squashing
Stash bashing on a hashtag of jet lag
Easy like Monday Morning
She'd never say 'Hey, hey-hey!' the way she played an Oxford hound
home bound on the Down low
hassock classic live
and let live
on life's pipe pick a poke of hokey jokey
dribbling juke jotted Rotterdam joints
of the finest Dutch druthers
\weeping and creeping in the bird
Aire all night long at least until
Tuesday welds it up for Ruby
And Lulu runs uptownFlight 8:30 came and went got bent then spent on the ghost toaster of incindiary cinnamon goalposts between the kicks were all up for in the over under past of passing psylocks that pass what it was when the fuzz found out (no doubt) all about that arthritic laced gout joust of jam spam
a slow crocker of rocket juice laid out for the murder hornets in assisted living situation drawn up in the undertow of elderly underoos laying on the lawn
When Wednesday got the news
You certainly got the gall to call for Paul from down the hall where the choco-princess shakes her toes with whimper and weep
Baking the bait tainted bully sticks to screw with chews better than being bitten up by butter flavored bacon ticks live streaming through the swarm of Corfu corn cakes down on the corner where the red light runs the right-of-way for the duck that clucks in the pocket of Pick, the last cash gold glass genius from Diamond Valley dog dojo
Thursday night they push recycling cans
Under the streetlights, the serious streetlightFive for five shouts race to Heavens and we all ascend to the goal of all our toil and toll
The elevator operator and the payphone maintainer rally round the mainstay of a long forgotten caberet ba-dum-ba-dum-bump
Ain't nothin'... ain't nothin' to see
Nothin to believe in just a regular five-day stringer with all the stockings labeled and laid out real birds on the wire style
scotch bonnets sweet as tea
drive-thru for dinner behind a knock-off N95 mask of social bastion jockeying
for pole position like a New York Wise guy taking it on the chin at the final bell
To kick off the weekend full
drinking from the labelled Lethe spout